Saturday, April 9, 2016

Google Doc


While we have been learning about Google Doc's and all the amazing things you can make on it, I have created a flyer to the Say NO to Drugs Assembly for the beginning of May.  Your assignment will be to print it of and put it around the school, and to deliver them to the intended classes that are invited.  Please take a minute to look it over here.



I have created a Timeline about World War II and all that we have been learning about it.  Please take a minute to look over it and learn more about the dates and when events took place.  This was a very eventful time in history that I think everyone should learn about.  A lot of countries were attacked and many were involved.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Hi Class!

Here is a presentation about Seasons.  I have created this and hope you learn things from it.  Seasons are very interesting and how they change over time.  It is also very interesting what happens in each one.


Martin Luther King Jr.


I have created an assignment about Martin Luther King Jr. and what we have been learning about him in class.  Please answer this question and feel free to explore around the new sight called "Padlet."  This is another fun way for me to see how everyone feels about a subject as a class.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Hi Class!

Since we have been learning about bullying lately and how it is not acceptable at our school, I decided to create a visual brochure with facts about bullying.  Bullying is a horrible thing and after our section of learning about it, I hope you will all agree with me.  Please look at this brochure and read that facts about it.  Some of them are very interesting and some of them we would never believe.  Many students are effected by bullying each year.

Choose to be a friend and include everyone!!!

Commonly Confused Words

While we have been learning about commonly confused words in class, I found a great way to present a set of them to you.  This website is fun and interactive.  Commonly confused words can be hard to remember, but I always remembered things if I learned them in a fun way.  We will be having a quiz on this set so make sure you understand them well.